Cotton in Tanzania is mainly grown on small scale farms ranging from 0.5 to 10 hectares,
with average farm size being 1.5 hectares.
Nearly 99 percent of Tanzania’s cotton is grown in the northwest, near Lake Victoria.
Simiyu, Shinyanga, Mwanza, and Geita are the largest cotton producing regions in Tanzania,
with Simiyu region producing over 40 percent of the national output.
Cotton is generally planted in northwestern Tanzania in December, with harvesting and marketing beginning in late June or early July.
However, planting and harvesting seasons may vary, depending on low, intermediate or high seasonal rainfall
Gossypium herbaceum and Gossypium hirsutum are the types of cotton plants grown in Tanzania whereby one
is planted on seas and other on land respectively.
In cotton, Ncu ltd wants to triple the incomes of up to 500,000 cotton farmers and secure greater profitability
for cotton ginners, leading to a substantial increase in cotton lint production with greater domestic value
addition and higher exports.
In textiles/apparel, NCU ltd aims to support Tanzania to develop the right infrastructure,
business environment and local skills to increase foreign and domestic investment along the value chain.
Building stores, buying sprays
and insecticides, and negotiating on overall prices at
which individual growers sells to buyers.
Lastly Improve the quality of the crop and coordinate