As it is widely known, the livestock sector is important for poverty alleviation, food security enhancement,
employment creation and environment conservation. In spite of the high potential of livestock resource
available in the country, the sector is constrained by low genetic potential leading to low production
efficiencies, high mortalities, dependency on natural vegetation for grazing.
The overall goal of the NCU LTD is to increase food and nutrition security and food safety, create employment
opportunities and contribute to the national economy, social stability and sustainable enviroment.
The purpose of NCU LTD is to improve the livelihoods of traditional and small holder livestock farmers and
contribution of the sector to the national economy.
Activities done by the Union to achieve the goal are as follows:-
Guiding and supporting AMCOS livestock farmers in technology transfer to equip them with appropriate
knowledge and skills in livestock keeping.
Ensure delivery of livestock inputs and services to AMCOS is done in time
Improving market infrastructure and marketing systems for livestock and livestock products from Livestock AMCOS
Improve livestock feeding through pasture production and management to meet the needs
of agro-pastoralists and pastoralists
NCU helps AMCOS to attain land for livestock activities